Shenandoah Canoe Trip
From September 17 to September 19, 2021, Jimmy H. led a canoe trip on the Shenandoah River on a warm and sunny weekend. This was the first canoe trip for Troop 167 during the pandemic. On the night of September 17, Scouts arrived at the Gooney Creek campsite on the river. The next day, Scouts canoed downstream for about 15 miles to the Low Water Bridge Campground. After camping overnight, Scouts paddled about 10 miles downstream to the finishing point of the trip at Karo Boat Launch in Front Royal, Virginia. The water level during the canoe trip was particularly low at various points in the river. This made traveling more challenging. Scouts became adept at dislodging canoes in shallower river areas that were only a few inches deep at some points. Scouts also learned to navigate rapids and to travel up river to help other boats. Canoes beached and occasionally capsized, but Scouts demonstrated resilience, completed the journey, and had fun along the way.
- Troop Historian
- Troop Historian